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I love you

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Using Divine Love to create my dream job

A lady asked me "What have you been up to lately?"  I honestly couldn't answer her.  Not in a way that was exciting and fun to share.  I think I have known this for a long time now, but I'm in a RUT.  A big one. 
Do you ever wake up and you can't tell one day from the next because they are always the same?  Does this drive anyone else as crazy as it drives me??  Maybe it is just my personality, but boy I need a change.  Something new and fresh.  I think it was the personality test I took last night, that really made me "SEE" how I've chosen the wrong career for my life.  I've been selling Real Estate for over 12 years now.  It's been good to me, but I have no PASSION for it.  I have enjoyed the freedoms it has given me, the ability to pick my kids up from school and be a Mom, but I also couldn't depend on it if I were solely responsible to take care of our finances.  The paychecks are too inconsistent.  Especially since we moved to a new town.  When I look back on my life, I have never truly felt FULFILLED by any job that I have EVER done!  Waitressing.  Secretary.  Social Work.  Dental Assistant.  Bank employee.    Going to a job from 8-5 felt like jail time.
My mom, and well, the rest of the world tells me that I have ridiculous expectations.  That going to a job you don't really like is just the way the world works.  It's time to get my head out of the clouds.  But I refuse to accept this, so instead I am going to use Soul Power and humbly ask the Divine to help me achieve this goal... of finding a fulfilling career that also helps to support me financially!  Or to be blunt, I'm going to stick my head even HIGHER in the clouds!
I understand that in the real world you have to pay bills, and buy food.  But why in the world would God put us on this Earth for 80-100 years only to spend the MAJORITY of our time doing a job that we don't really like?  THIS SEEMS VERY WRONG.  Why come to Earth if you are just going to live in a zombie like state where you can't even remember what you did yesterday?  How can people live like this?  Happily?  I can't!  And to be quite frank, I DON'T WANT TO!
So, I am going to work on manifesting my dream job with the help of the Divine and the Universe. 
Dear the Divine,
Dear the Universe,
Dear Divine Love,
I love you and honor you.  I kindly ask you to please help me create my dream career.  You know my heart and my purpose, please connect me to this as quickly as possible so that I may finally live my life as I was meant to. 
Set my own schedule. 
Work from my home, but have clients that come to me there.
Weekly paychecks or constant inflow of money into my accounts.  Financial freedom.
Deep friendships and bonds created between me and the people I work with.
Gives me alone time for meditation and writing (at least some portion throughout the day)
Pays for spiritual retreats and travel.
LOVING what I do.  Wanting to do it all the time.
Serving others in a way that when they leave they are happier and healthier.
Personal freedom.
To connect others to their higher power/God/Divine/spirituality.
God, these are the things that I can think of right now that I would like to manifest in my career.  Could you please send me the people and the knowledge on how to begin this process.  Could you please bring this to me as quickly as possible. 
I am forever grateful.
Divine love manifests my new business.  Thank you.
Divine Love manifests my new business.  Thank you.
Divine Love manifests my new business.  Thank you.
Divine Love manifests my new business. Thank you.
Divine Love removes blockages to manifesting my dream job. Thank you.
Divine Love removes blockages to manifesting my dream job. Thank you.
Divine Love removes blockages to manifesting my dream job. Thank you.
Divine Love removes blockages to manifesting my dream job.  Thank you.
Hao! Hao! Hao!

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