I love you

I love you

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Using the power of Love to transform finances.

Do you Love your finances?
Okay, its time for me to get honest about the relationship I have with my finances and money.  I've spent MANY years trying to change my financial situation... and to be honest its gotten easier, but not THAT much easier.  One step forward, two steps back right?
I am speaking honestly when I say that finances and money have been a huge blockages for me.  It has caused so much negativity in my life.  Feelings of inadequacy.  Anger.  Jealousy.  Resentment.  And so much more.  All because of money!  Or correctly stated all because of the relationship and my attitude about money. 
I was raised on a farm, by loving parents.  I had a wonderful childhood.  To be honest, as a child I never even thought about money! I remember my favorite Grandpa always had a wallet full of money.  He would let me organize the crisp bills in his wallet from smallest to biggest, all facing the same direction.  I was given so much, yet had very little realization of the work my parents had to do to provide for me.   It wasn't until I was an "adult" that I realized I had a very unloving and dysfunctional relationship with money.  It seemed that no matter how much money I made or had it was never enough.  It just disappeared *poof*.
After getting married, my money worries only increased.  We were newly married and expecting our first child.  I was extremely ill during my entire pregnancy, making it very difficult to work.  Money was tight.  Fights with my spouse regarding finances became a nearly everyday occurrence.  I began to worry and stress about money all of the time.  My anxiety and fear were at a all time high. It was draining all the Love right out of my relationship with my husband.  Even saying the word "money", brought about a shuttering bodily response.  Money had so much power over my life.  Or so I thought...
What I failed to realize in those moments was that we always had enough.  We never went without food or were unable to pay our monthly utilities.  We had a home, vehicles, jobs... we had everything we needed and then some.  God was always providing, I just failed to see it.  I was always focused on what we did not have.  I was blind to the abundance in my life.
I came across the book, The Secret, and for the first time in my life I realized that many of my money issues were because of the thoughts I was thinking and the feelings that came with those thoughts!  It was a profound time for me.  I got so excited about life, having a new outlook, a new hope to make my life better through my own thoughts and actions.  I started a list of things I loved and things I wanted to manifest.  What I found with this list, was that it was not really "material" things I could "buy" that I really wanted...  It was a feeling I was seeking.  At the root of it all, all I wanted was to feel safe and to feel loved.  In time I came to realize that my negative feelings around finances were deeply rooted and though I tried very very hard to improve my financial situation, what ended up happening was that I made MORE money, but it disappeared just as quickly as when I made very little or no money at all.  How is this possible? 
Fast forward 6 years.  My husband and I are fairly secure financially.  I no longer have panic attacks and lay awake worrying at night, and thankfully my husband and I do not fight about money nearly as much as we used to, but every month, if you were to take a peek into my checkbook, you would see the same $250.00 balance and me wondering how we are going to make it to the end of the month.  This just boggles my mind!  I am not a shopper.  If I do buy clothes it is usually 2nd hand.  I haven't gotten my hair done in over 6 months. I rarely shop on line. When I go grocery shopping I always buy the cheap brand and what is on sale. So what is happening??  What more can I possibly give up?  I've disconnected TV.  Our cars are used and paid for.  We rarely travel...  so where is this money going?  
My dear teacher, Master Sha teaches that everything has a soul.  Our business, our finances, money... all have souls.  I did not realize the depth of this knowledge until just recently.  This was my ah ha moment...  If I spoke words out loud to my children, the way I speak of my finances, what would my children's reaction be?  If every single day I was like, "I am so frustrated with you!  You are not doing enough! Why can't there just be more, why can't you do more."  Would the child blossom and flourish?  Um... NO! 
Once I realized at heart level that my finances have a soul, that money has a SOUL, just as a human being or an animal does, it is no wonder I have had financial difficulties so much of my life!  If someone spoke about me the way I speak about my finances, I would just shrivel up and disappear.  Is it no wonder that my money does the same??  Wow, I am sorry! No wonder my financial situation hasn't shown a significant change.  It isn't being loved!
So, today I am taking a stand! I am making a change. I am going to start treating my finances and my money the way I would treat loved ones.  I am going to talk nicely to it.  I am going to encourage it.  I am going to try to stay positive no matter what the numbers in my check book say.  I am going to remind myself over and over that I am being taken care of in all moments. I am going to use the power of LOVE to transform my financial blockages.  And I will begin by asking for forgiveness! 
Dear the soul of my finances,
Dear the soul of money,
Dear the soul of my business,
I am deeply sorry for every negative thought, feeling and action I have had about you. 
I am deeply sorry for complaining.  
I am sorry for fighting with my husband and feeling bad about myself.  
I am sorry that I was blind and could not see all of the abundance in my life...  All of the gifts I've been so generously given. 
I am sorry that I have not given more. 
I am sorry for everyway in which I have hurt or harmed you. 
I am sorry that humanity has used you as a means to hurt and harm one another, and to hurt the Earth. I am sorry for each and everyway I have taken advantages of others financially in any and all of my lifetimes...
I sincerely ask you from the bottom of my heart if you will forgive me? Please.
I want you to feel loved and cared for!  I want you to feel happy and abundant and safe! I want you to feel like sticking around and being a part of my Love Peace Harmony Family.  I want you to flow freely into my life so that I may in turn give to others!
Again, I ask humbly for your forgiveness.  Please forgive me for all of the mistakes I have made.
Dear the Divine,
Dear all of heavens Saints and Angels,
Dear all holy ones in heaven, would you kindly bless the souls of my finances, my business and money with your greatest Love?
Will you kindly forgive me for being unloving and unkind to my finances, business and to money?
Dear all Divine Love treasures, would you kindly bless the relationship between money, my finances and business and me?
I am so grateful.
Thank you!
Divine Love.  Divine Love. Divine Love.  Divine Love.  Divine Love.  Divine Love.  Divine Love.
Join me in changing your relationship with your finances!  Stop letting your relationship with your finances cause blockages in your life!  Join me in giving Love to the souls of our finances, and watch them transform!  We have nothing to lose, and only wealth to gain! 
Lots of Love,


  1. Wonderful blog! I will join you in giving LOVE to my finances. Thank You for this inspiration. Da Ai

  2. I am so grateful that you read my blog! ❤️ Bless you!

  3. Dear Bee, I thank from the bottom of my heart for your contribution about the soul of money. I have similiar thoughts and behaviors towards money. Thank you for your suggestion to solve this problem. And please let us participate in your progress! Love to you

  4. Dearest Birgit,
    I thank you so much for reading my blog. It touches my heart! Please share with me your healing stories of using LOVE to bless your finances!
    Much love to you,

  5. Beautiful sharing Breean!! Very powerful and such sincerity of your heart <3. Enjoyed this very much and appreciated the wisdom and teachings about our relationship with money and how to transform it :)
